Current Groups
This group offers support and education for women who have experienced intimate partner violence. The group assists women to develop tools for safety.
Group sessions are offered to participants at no cost.
Location: Compass Community Services at 20 Shelldale Crescent, Guelph
This program offers individual, family and group and counselling for mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence and their children who have witnessed experienced the abuse.
Group and individual sessions are offered to participants at no cost.
Location: Compass Community Services at 20 Shelldale Crescent, Guelph
Compass Community Services has created a unique program for both male and female youth between the ages of 12 and 17, who have been abused or have witnessed abuse in the home and are heading down the same path in their lives – acting out with aggression, bullying and violence. The eight week group program, currently offered at St. John Bosco school, teaches healthy, appropriate strategies for managing stress and resolving conflict.
The students who graduate from this program work as peers for other students and are extremely passionate about the program and the facilitators. They know they are being heard, respected and are learning alternative methods to bullying and violence – and they demonstrate these new behaviours on a daily basis.
Breaking Free assists teens learn to break the cycle of abuse and violence so that they learn to make better choices for themselves.
The PAR Group program for men is a 12-session group education/counselling program that will provide men with an opportunity to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards domestic violence/abuse and learn non-violent/non-abusive strategies and skills to resolve conflict and develop a healthy relationship. The PAR Male groups are accessible by court or probation referral only.
Location: Compass Community Services at 20 Shelldale Crescent, Guelph
The PAR program for Women offers individual and group counselling for women. The PAR female group program offers an individual session and 12 sessions of group education/counselling program that will provide women with an opportunity to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards domestic violence and learn non-violent strategies and skills to resolve conflict and develop a healthy relationship. The PAR female group program is accessible by court or probation referral only.
Location: Compass Community Services at 20 Shelldale Crescent, Guelph