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Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington sees the increasing need for mental health support, and this need continues to grow exponentially. Providing same day call-in and call-out services and virtual brief therapy is costly. Together, we can give back on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, a day devoted to global giving and unity by donating to help those who need our support — now.

Give hope. Give healing. Give what you can. #GivingTuesdayNow

Client Testimonials:

“…my therapist focused on my strengths to help me decide how to solve my problems…”

My therapist helped me realize “that after all I have been through I am still standing.”

“…my therapist suggested practical steps…”

“…my therapist made it okay for me to cry…”

“…my therapist gave me options…clarified next steps…”


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