Free Anger Management Men’s Groups in Wellington County

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Free Anger Management Men’s Groups in Wellington County

Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington (FCSSGW) is set to offer two 100% funded Men’s Emotional Regulation groups after receiving a grant from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund, through United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin.

The goals of the 12-week anger management groups include providing men with skills to increase their self-awareness of high-risk behaviours, improving their management of stress and difficult emotions, developing communication skills to build healthier relationships, and offering opportunities for positive connection with other men in a supportive environment.

“We have been receiving calls looking for this type of program,” said Executive Director Joanne Young Evans. “Men don’t have equal access to fully funded mental-health supports, and yet we cannot begin to end intimate partner or family violence without closing these gaps in service. By providing free, early-intervention treatment to vulnerable men, we hope to reduce the stigma associated with seeking help with mental health issues and eliminate some of the barriers men face in accessing treatment.”

The Men’s Emotional Regulation groups will be Dialectic Behaviour Therapy, more commonly known as DBT, and mindfulness skills based. More information about call-in times, contact numbers, and protocols will be made available closer to the launch date.

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