Register for FCSSGW’s 32nd Annual General Meeting

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Register for FCSSGW’s 32nd Annual General Meeting

FCSSGW’s keynote speaker will take us behind the scenes at Queen’s Park and inside political parties and key ministries.

Join us for FCSSGW’s 32nd Annual General Meeting on Monday, September 23 at Community Living Guelph Wellington located at 8 Royal Road. M.P.P. Mike Schreiner will open the meeting that starts at 5:30 pm.

Keynote Speaker

Susan MacIsaac, Family Service Ontario

Family Service Ontario’s executive director Susan MacIsaac will talk about what lies ahead for family service agencies, what they can do to prepare and what it will mean for their clients. She will also give us a peek behind the curtain at Queen’s Park on how Family Service Ontario, an association representing 46 family service agencies, is working with each of the ministries and political parties.

Susan became the executive director of Family Service Ontario in July 2016. Before that, she was its interim executive director (April to July 2016) and the director of government relations and member engagement (July 2015 to April 2016).

For the past seven years, Susan has provided government relations support and advice to Family Service Ontario on a contract basis. She has a degree in political science from Glendon College, York University.

Previously, Susan worked at Health Canada in the drug policy and physical activity divisions, with provincial mental health and children’s rehabilitation services and with local agencies in supporting their advocacy and communications activities. She is delighted to accept the honour of being one of the speakers at this year’s AGM.

Register Today

What does the future hold for family service agencies? Find out at the 32nd Annual General Meeting of FCSSGW. Light refreshments available starting at 5:00 pm. Register here.

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